Thursday, September 5, 2019

A Visit From Beyond?

True Ghost Stories A visit from beyond Posted on 8-20-2019 | By: Paul | Location: Australia ---------------- I don't know where to start or how to say this as I am really lost for words so I will just come straight out and say it. I had a visit form my daughter Elly in spirit form on Good Friday afternoon 19/04/2019.Now before you think I am going crazy or going mad I have decided to share my experience with you in detail. On good Friday just passed I was sitting on the couch looking at my phone on my own and I was very focused on my phone at the time. I then felt cold all of a sudden with a shiver up my back.Then a noise got my attention coming from the front door it was my keys in the door jingling, really going nuts. I could not see the keys from where I was sitting but I thought someone was at the door so I called out," is anyone there?" and got up to walk over to the door in which time the jingling had stopped. I was told that my daughter may contact me at some point in time so I did had an open mind about this but I really did not believe. In walking over to the door I passed my daughter's framed photos and I stopped about two meters from the door. My thoughts at this point was gee that was very odd because I knew it was my keys moving and heaps too. It then came over me maybe it was Elly so I said "Is that you Elly are you here?" and straight away two pictures were knocked onto the floor behind me right at that point in time.I was really in a state of shock at this point in time I did not know that to say or do because I realized its all true Elly had returned in Spirit.My house is set on concrete and in the 12 years I have lived here there has been no movement defiantly no pictures have fallen on the floor.My keys are still all the time even if it was a windy day out side but good Friday was a very still day outside and you could have heard a pin drop in my lounge room that day.I even checked out if an earthquake had accrued at the time which it had not.Elly was a very smart Girl in her mortal form and she new exactly what to do so I would have NO DOUBT in my mind we do take spirit form after death there is another journey for all of us and I know now we are ALL resurrected the same way Jesus was in spirit form to the 12. Now I am a Methods Engineer my daughter knows I am a very logical practical person but gee wiz this has really shocked me. Elly knows that white feathers or lights flickering would not convince me as she did not believe in God and I have told her that I have had two experiences before and its all about the timing of those experiences but in my heart back then I still had some doubt. Elly gave me a father's card before she headed off to Mozambique which is where she was murdered in 2016.In this card down the bottom was written ;Ps God is not real.Elly showed me the best way possible for me to believe The Timing of the pictures going on the floor. There is no question Elly was in the room with me that day I could feel it too and now I know what it feels like as I don't think she has returned since.There is another message here because she did not believe in God she has come on good Friday of all days to come to me.She is letting me know its all true wow hay WOW? At the time I put the pictures back and re-enacted by pushing the pictures off the table top and every time the large picture would not drop on the floor it would lay on top of the table only the small picture fell on the floor. The only way I could get the two pictures to fall on the floor was to push the large picture over from the top. Sliding the large picture from the bottom it always sat on the table top.The only way the two could be knocked off would be by a pulling or by a sucking motion. My daughter loved life she was living it to the fullest in Mozambique and she would be very very angry that her life was cut short at 20. I have a message for the men who murdered my daughter and deprived Elly Warren of her mortal life - she can move objects and hear what you say! You have pissed off the wrong girl as everyone who new Elly knows she was NOT the person you would want to make angry or get on the wrong side of. My daughter's spirit and I are coming for you there is no where you can hide from Elly. I know this now and it puts a smile on my face knowing she is giving you hell. In knowing now that when we die there is more about life that we really have no idea what knowledge there is beyond death. It's nice to know that I will meet Elly again when I pass and that she is here in spirit form. The keys are always in the door now. I don't care if you want to share this as it happened and now I believe without question that we take spirit form when we die. There is so much technology and knowledge about the spirit world we don't yet know about but I bet that people who have taken a life in their mortal form would have punishment in their spirit form as looking at it logicality they have released another spirit earlier than it was meant to be released.I don't think destiny comes into it as it's more about that person making that choice to do this take a life and the reason behind taking that life will be judged because thinking about how we take spirit from and that happens there is a power far grater than what we can ever imagine which controls the universe and beyond.I am happy now that I will meet my daughter again and it blows me away that she heard what I said weather she heard or read my mind she new what to do next.

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